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08 February 2008

Briana Waters Trial Online Calendar

Briana Waters' trial begins in US District Court in Tacoma (1717 Pacific Ave.) this Monday, February 11. Trial will run weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm with a break for recess at noon to 1 pm. Visitors will be admitted until 9 am in the morning, then court will be closed to entry until the break. Feb. 18 is a federal holiday, there is no court on this day. Carpools to the court from Olympia will depart from the Grocery Outlet parking lot in the Westside at 7:30 am. Any adjustments to this schedule will be announced here on this website and on our ONLINE CALENDAR. The Online Calendar for the Briana Waters trial maintained by OlyCivLib is available here: (select "week" or "agenda" view)



Anonymous said...

For those who wish to support Briana, here are a few things to keep in mind: The jury will be made up of regular ordinary folks, like retirees and state workers, who have time to spend a month on a jury, and could be easily affected by the dress and demeanor of her supporters. It would be most beneficial to dress as normally and understated as possible... Though most important is a polite, respectful body language. Actions speak louder than words! Standing up for the jury and being friendly and genial even in the face of the government's frothing accusations will do more for Briana than anything else! Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

UNBELIEVABLE that you would want to fool a jury into thinking that you're not a KOOK when you really are! Why be so DISHONEST about who you really are??

Anonymous said...

We may be kooky at times but this is not the time to express it. Briana is facing a minimum of 35 years in Federal Prison. Dressing in nice/normal/regular clothes when you are in the court room may help Briana. Dressing in a kimono will not. Thank you for your understanding.