Civil Liberties are under threat in Olympia and nationwide! You or anyone you know are a potential target in the FBI's "fishing expedition" for information about the Olympia activist community.

How Olympia Civil Liberties Resource Can Help You

30 November 2006

Olympia, WA Green Scare Benefit Dec. 8

International Day of Solidarity with Green Scare Indictees,
Detainees, and Political Prisoners

Olympia Benefit Show

Friday, December 8

at Solid Gold - 419 Boulevard Rd SE (at the corner of Pacific Ave. and
Boulevard Rd. across from the shell station)
Olympia, Washington

Doors open at 7 pm, music and performance begins at 8 pm
Suggested donation $5-20


Bridget Irish (performance)
Leonardo (soul, house dj)
Myello (experimental dance electronics)
Onyxoxo (acoustica + dj)
Rachel Diamond, one lady band (!)
Shizunomargot (songs, performance)
Timezone Lafontaine (southern hip hop soulrock)

and more!!!

There will be free literature, merchandise and beverages for a donation,
and an opportunity to learn more about the "Green Scare" and how to
support earth liberation indictees, grand jury resistance, preserving
civil liberties & building solidarity, and refusing the criminalization of

This event is a benefit for Olympia Civil Liberties Resource, Books To
Prisoners Olympia, and non-cooperating "Green Scare" indictees.

This event is in response to the call for An International Day of
Solidarity with Green Scare Indictees, Detainees, and Political Prisoners
to mark one year since the December 7, 2005 beginning of the federal
goverment's sweep of arrests of earth and animal liberation activists,
grand jury efforts to compel activists to testify, FBI investigation of
activist communities, and the resulting chilling effect on free speech and

The term "Green Scare" refers to the federal government's expanding
prosecution efforts against animal liberation and ecological
activists, which is strikingly similar to the "Red Scare" of the
1950s. The "Green Scare" includes the cases from the "Operation
Backfire" indictments, and the cases of the SHAC 7, Eric McDavid, Rod
Coronado, grand jury resisters Jeff Hogg, Josh Wolf and several other
recent federal grand jury resisters.

Call for International Day of Solidarity:

"Green Scare" Resources:

Civil Liberties Defense Center synopsis of cases:

Portland Indymedia "Green Scare" topic page

Will Potter's "Green Scare" blog:

In Olympia, WA (organizations to benefit from the Olympia event)

Olympia Civil Liberties Resource

Books To Prisoners Olympia

Some "Green Scare" non-cooperating indictees and target activists who have

Briana Waters

Daniel McGowan

Eric McDavid

Rod Coronado

Josh Wolf


Some Other Political Prisoners Resources

Break The Chains Blog

Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network

ELP Network USA

Jeff "Free" Luers

Jeff “Free” Luers Statement for the International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners (December 2006)

Around the world millions of people are suffering from the abuses of power that have become all too common in our human societies. In dozens of countries, generations of people have chosen to fight injustice rather than submit to it.
We honor those people today. We raise our voices and our fists to salute those who have fought to free their homelands, who have struggled for self-determination; those who have demanded human rights; those who have raided laboratories and liberated animals; and those who have fought to defend our earth.
Today we shout our praises and offer our respect to those captured in the line of duty, serving their cause. We thank them for refusing to submit even behind bars.
On this day we bow our heads in reverence to those people who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives for freedom. We remember the price they paid and the loss that their family and friends still feel.
We offer more than our gratitude. We offer our solidarity. We make a promise to remember and honor those who have come before. We make a vow that the struggle will continue until all are free.
Too many people have had to fight for the freedom they should have been guaranteed at birth; too many have suffered the cruelty of capitalist exploitation.
The most important thing we can do today is to make a solemn oath: that ours is the last generation that will have to struggle; that we will apply pressure from all angles until these systems of oppression crack; that we will settle for nothing less than victory.
With the memory of those who have come before us; in solidarity with those still standing behind bars; while honoring those who gave their lives: We march forward to bring a new day with our heads high and our fists raised.
And I say to you that if we stand united with one voice and we act on our desire for liberation we will carry the day! We will win!
- Jeff “Free” Luers
Write to:
Jeff Luers
Oregon State Prison
2605 State Street
Salem, Oregon 97310
For more information:

29 November 2006

IMPORTANT: Please write a letter to the Judge for Daniel

Dear friends,

Over the last year, we have asked you for a lot of help regarding Daniel's case and his need for your support. We really appreciate all the assistance that has been offered by people on this list and beyond. Now, we need to ask you for another big task. Daniel will be sentenced to a prison term sometime in the spring of 2007 and we need you to write a letter to the Judge regarding his sentencing.

You will find all the information you need regarding this below and on our website at You need not know Daniel in order to write this letter, but it is imperative you follow our guidelines below regarding the content of the letter. Most of all, be sure to send this letter (signed) to our lawyers' office, NOT the Judge.

Thank you for your help on this. With your help, we can show the Judge that Daniel has a large base of support and a ton of people who care about him. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us.

Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan
Guidelines for Letters to Judge Aiken in Support of Daniel McGowan

Daniel McGowan will be sentenced by Judge Ann Aiken probably sometime early next year. Daniel’s lawyers will submit a detailed memorandum prior to sentencing, along with letters from family members, friends, colleagues, and other supporters. Please refer to these guidelines if you are writing a letter to Judge Aiken on Daniel’s behalf. Send it to his lawyers at the address below.
Examples of Things to Write About – Choose Only What is Right for You
  • How you met Daniel and how you know him (through school, work, mutual friends, prisoner support work, etc.); how long you have known Daniel.
  • What you know about Daniel’s character, his reputation in the community; personal experiences you have had with him that illustrate important aspects of his character.
  • What you know about Daniel’s relationship with his family, his wife, and his close friends – the people who will be his personal support when he is in prison and when he is released. Describe for the judge how these people will assist him through these difficult times.
  • How you personally will be able to help Daniel get back to a normal life when he is released from prison, whether it is through helping him to pursue his education, remain employed, or establish a home.
  • Examples, from your personal knowledge, of what Daniel has done in his life to help others, whether it is through activist work, charitable work, work for non-profit organizations, or personally helping you or someone you know with something. Specific examples of Daniel’s contributions to charitable, community, and non-profit organizations are helpful.
  • Examples, from your personal knowledge, of how Daniel demonstrates what he believes in, whether it is by arranging Really, Really Free Markets, collecting electronic gear to recycle, or volunteering for causes he supports.
  • The Judge may consider whether Daniel is likely to commit another crime. If you have specific reasons to share with the Judge to demonstrate why you believe that Daniel is unlikely to commit another crime, please explain those in your letter.
  • The Judge may consider whether Daniel has shown that, after the crimes were committed, his conduct demonstrated rehabilitation. If you have specific examples of his conduct, between July of 2001 and December 2005 that you feel the Judge should know about that show Daniel has engaged in significant rehabilitation from the time he committed the crimes, please explain those in your letter.
  • The Judge may consider whether to sentence Daniel as a “terrorist” under certain provisions of federal law and sentencing guidelines. While this is largely a technical legal issue that the lawyers will write about, you may wish to write to the Judge about how Daniel’s case compares to other crimes and incidents that you are personally aware of that either have or have not been treated as “terrorist” incidents.
There may be other things you may wish to say to the judge as well. Our suggestions are just that – suggestions. Please make sure you write in a polite, respectful manner to the Judge.
What Not to Write About
Some topics are simply not helpful subjects of discussion in a letter to the Court related to sentencing. We ask that you not justify or rationalize the incidents. We ask that you not compare Daniel to others who have entered pleas and who are also facing sentencing or to those who have not been arrested or are fugitives.
Address Your Letter To:
Judge Ann Aiken
U.S. District Court
Eugene, Oregon
Andrea Crabtree
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender
810 Third Avenue, Suite 500
Seattle, Washington 98104
Please, do NOT mail your letter to Judge Aiken. After you have signed the letter, MAIL IT TO THE LAWYERS' office. They will deliver all of the correspondence to the Judge at one time, along with other sentencing materials. DEADLINE: Please get letters to the lawyers no later than January 30, 2007.
Questions? Call or e-mail Amanda Lee at (206) 622-8000 or

28 November 2006

CLDC: Green Scare day of remembrance

Dear Friends:

As most of you know, next week will mark the one year "anniversary" of the federal government's "Operation Backfire," the largest federal round up of environmental and animal rights activists who are charged with acts of property damage or sabotage motivated by concerns for the environment and animal suffering. Please see our website, for more information. There will be "days of remembrance" across the country on or around December 7th commemorating the date when the first round of individuals were jailed.

In Eugene, the community will be gathering on Dec. 3rd at 8pm at Sam Bonds Garage, 407 Blair Blvd, in the heart of Green Scare country. Other events are posted on If there is no event planned in your community, consider organizing one yourself! Ideas include films, rallies, a bike ride, potluck, whatever--simply a time and place to reflect on the struggles and strength that we as a larger community have endured over the last several years.

And, although the Oregon Green Scare case may be at a slow simmer at this point, the final sentencing proceeding are yet to be scheduled. The sentencing hearing is the time when the judge rules upon the actual punishment (jail and fines) that each defendant shall receive. These hearings will be discussed and possibly scheduled at a status hearing set for December 14th in Eugene federal court. Our website will keep you posted on what is determined at that time.

Additionally, let's not forget that Briana Waters is still set for a jury trial sometime in May, 2007 in Washington federal court in Tacoma, WA. Her attorneys have filed their own NSA wiretap motions with the government response due within the next week or so. Many will be interested to know that the NSA/Green Scare legal challenge will continue in the federal courts. We will be posting Briana's motion in the next day or two so check back.
Unfortunately, Briana stands alone pending this trial because the remainder of her codefendants, Lacey Philabaum, Jenifer Kolar, and Kevin Tubbs have been coerced into becoming federal informants; though Justin Solondz and Josephine Overaker have not been hailed into court yet.

And finally, let's not forget that the feds have not given any of their agents pink slips yet. The FBI continues to investigate and harass the activist community and with their time freed up in the Oregon case, there are concerns that their focus may shift to other areas or activists.

If your community would like to schedule a know your rights training, email us at and we will do our best to get you this vital information.

That's all for now. Peace,

The Civil Liberties Defense Center
Lauren C. Regan, Attorney at Law
Executive Director
259 East 5th Avenue, Suite 300A
Eugene, Oregon 97401
541.687.9180 phone
541.686.2137 fax

WARNING: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President.

27 November 2006

olympia civil liberties resource

Civil Liberties are under threat in Olympia and nationwide! You or anyone you know are a potential target in the FBI's "fishing expedition" for information about the Olympia activist community.
You may have heard about the "green scare", the FBI roundup of environmental and animal rights activists accused of crimes of property destruction. The federal government is investigating a series of arsons attributed to the earth and animal liberation movement. No one was injured in any of these events, yet the defendants are being called “eco-terrorists” in the media. Fourteen activists have been indicted, and the government is attempting to compel other activists to testify against them. The government is using the “terrorist” designation as a license to suspend civil liberties and employ the USA PATRIOT Act. The government is employing grand juries to interrogate activists, a misuse which violates the U.S. constitution and is counter to the original intent in the creation of the grand jury. The grand jury and FBI tactics have a chilling effect on free speech and even legal expression of dissent. The government preys on an atmosphere of fear to intimidate citizens into answering questions about the activist community that may be beyond the scope of the investigations. There is a long history of not cooperating with a grand jury on the basis of upholding constitutional and civil rights. A grand jury threatens constitutional protections in numerous ways, including circumventing the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments and violating the 1st amendment. When targeted against social movements, grand juries are a tool of political repression used gather any and all information on a particular social movement.

How Olympia Civil Liberties Resource Can Help You

If you choose to resist the grand jury or FBI interrogation, Olympia Civil Liberties Resource is here to provide you with any information you need including what your rights are and other legal assistance. If you choose not to cooperate with a grand jury, you can be jailed for contempt of court for duration that the grand jury is convened, up to 18 months and possibly longer in special circumstances. Olympia Civil Liberties Resource can help you obtain a pro-bono lawyer, organize to generate community support and awareness around your resistance and its legal implications, and publicize your case in both grassroots and mainstream media, if you so desire. Our intention is to provide a basis of support so that a person does not feel isolated and without support when one is targeted by the government. If you choose not to cooperate, you may do so knowing that you have support and many of your needs may be addressed by your supporters and the community. If you appear before a grand jury and answer questions, you will be called as a witness for the prosecution in a federal court trial.

The best way to counter the state's acts of repression against free speech and political dissent is to generate public awareness around the issue so that the government cannot carry out its information "fishing expedition" in secret. The government relies heavily on misinformation and secrecy in its efforts to crush various social and political movements.

Jeff Hogg Released!


Jeff Hogg Released!!!

On November 15th, Jeff Hogg was released from Grant's Pass after being
detained for nearly six months for refusing to testify before a grand
jury. Jeff's lawyer, Paul Loney, informed the prosecution of his intent to
file more motions to obtain his release. The prosecution then decided to
release him rather than fight these motions.

Also, defendant Johnathan Paul now has a support group email. Contact his
support network at

Free Josh Wolf Support Update


In this email:
1) Legal Update
2) Josh Wins Society of Professional Journalists'
Journalist of the Year
3) Josh Wins 2 Vloggy Awards
4) New Flyers!
5) Josh Can Receive More Books
6) How Can I Support Josh?

1)Legal Update

As of today, November 14, 2006 Josh has been imprisoned for 84 days.
The prison is currently refusing to grant him interviews with the
media over the phone.

There are currently no motions pending because we are waiting to hear
back on a decision from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to grant an
en-banc hearing (a hearing before the full panel of judges on the
Ninth Circuit). We are expecting a decision in the next few days so
keep checking Josh's blog and wiki for updates.


2) Josh Wins Society of Professional Journalists' Journalist of the Year

"On Thursday, November 9th, Northern California Chapter of the Society
of Professional Journalists held their annual banquet. Of the many
honors that were bestowed on people, arguably the most prestigious,
Journalist of the Year, went to imprisoned video documentarian, Josh
Wolf, along with other grand jury subpoena resisters, San Francisco
Chronicle sports writers, Lance Williams and Mark Fainaru-Wada.

Wolf's mother, teacher Liz Wolf-Spada, accepted the award on behalf of
her son. Wolf, who had been imprisoned, released and then
re-imprisoned, has served a total of 82 days in a federal penitentiary
for refusing to turn over his unedited video footage of a July 2005
San Francisco protest. From:

Read Josh's Acceptance Speech:


3) Josh Wins 2 Vloggy Awards

Josh's video, All Empires Must Fall, received the Judge's Choice Award
for Most Controversial Video and the People's Choice Award for Best
Male Vlogger.

Read Josh's Acceptance Speech:


4) New Flyers!

Thanks to Njeri for making these awesome flyers!

You can download them here:
And view them here:


5) Josh Can Receive More Books

Josh is ready for more books! THANKS!

Please consider sending a book to Josh while he is being held in
prison. It's a great way to show your support for him!

Josh's Book Wish List:
Days of War, Nights of Love - The Crimething Ex-Workers Collective
Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric - Howard Kahane


5) How Can I Support Josh?


There are lots of things we can all be doing to help Josh.

Here are the top 10 ways

1) SEND LETTERS and maintain correspondence with Josh while he is
incarcerated. We need to let Josh know that we are thinking of him and
supporting his courageous and important stand. Visit: for info on how to
send a letter to Josh. Please remember that all of Josh?s letters are
read by the prison authorities and it may take a while for your letter
to reach him.

2) SEND A BOOK to Josh. Find Josh's book wish list and info on how to
get him a book visit:

3) READ HIS BLOG from prison. Josh's blog is still being updated by
his family and friends. Letters from Josh will be posted as they are

4) DISTRIBUTE FLYERS about his case:

5) DONATE to Josh's support fund via Paypal:

6) PLAN BENEFIT CONCERTS AND EVENTS to raise money. There have been
several concerts and fundraisers thrown recently to support Josh. If
you are interested in hosting a concert or other type of fundraiser
please contact Josh's support team at: freejosh(at) so we
can assist you with publicizing your event.

7) JOIN AND PARTICIPATE in the Support Josh Wolf Email List:

8) PROMOTE JOSH'S CASE. Write letters and articles of support for Josh
to your local media. Blog about his case. Link to his blog and wiki.
Post "support Josh" banners on your blogs and webpages:

9) SEND LETTERS to the other inmates who are being incarcerated along
with Josh at FCI Dublin. You can get their contact information at:

freejosh(at) or the Email List if you are interested in
getting more involved. We still need people willing to help with tech
support, organizing, fundraising, graphic design, publicity, media and
legal support. Send an email to the support team indicating how you
would like to help and we will plug you in!

Willamette Week: HOT ACTION: Lauren Regan, director of the Civil

HOT ACTION: Lauren Regan, director of the Civil Liberties Defense Center

November 14th 2006 8:00am

Digg It | del.icio.usBY: Julie Sabatier | 0 comments
Lauren Regan

Hot Action, a post running on wwire each Tuesday that aims to explore political action and activists, debuts this week with Lauren Regan, director of the Civil Liberties Defense Center in Eugene, Oregon.

Regan works on the legal team defending Joyanna Zacher, Nathan Block, Daniel McGowan and Jonathan Paul. Those four people pled guilty to arson and conspiracy charges last week in Eugene as part of an ongoing federal “eco-sabotage” case, involving 13 members of the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front.

The arsons, at venues such as the Vail Ski Resort in Colorado and the Cavel West meatpacking plant in Redmond, took place in four Western states from 1996 and 2001, causing an estimated $30 million in property damage—but no harm to human life.

Between court appearances and a multitude of meetings, Regan found a little time to chat with us by phone about arson and integrity.

WW: Why did Zacher, Block, McGowan and Paul change their pleas to ‘guilty’ when they originally said they were not involved in these crimes?

Lauren Regan: I can’t speak for them individually, but generally I can say that they chose to accept responsibility as long as accepting responsibility did not mean informing on others and cooperating with the federal government. Their co-defendants became federal informants almost immediately. In a nutshell, they basically wanted this to be the end of this investigation. The informants have given a lot of information about people and movements that does not necessarily have a direct connection to this case. All four definitely did admit in open court that they participated in the arsons that they were accused of.

Three months ago, it looked like contesting the government’s warrantless wiretaps in this case could change the whole outlook. Why did you and your clients ultimately decide not to pursue this challenge?

Initially, the government admitted that they didn’t know if there had been any illegal wiretap involved in this investigation. After months of negotiating, [the defendants] agreed to withdraw the NSA [National Security Agency] motion in exchange for the government accepting any change of plea. They basically got the same outcomes as the non-cooperating defendants as those that were offered to the cooperating defendants. The non-cooperating defendants will get 18 months more. In essence, there’s an 18-month tax for not becoming a snitch, which these defendants were more than happy to accept in order to keep their integrity and their ethical views intact.

No one has yet been charged with “terrorism” in this case. Is that likely to change?

No one has been charged with terrorism, but the government will be seeking a terrorism enhancement for all defendants and we’re going to fight like hell to oppose that. The government is seeking this enhancement, in my opinion, not because they’re seeking to increase the potential jail time (even though it can enhance it up to 20 years). We believe the government is seeking this enhancement because that way they can say, ‘we haven’t caught any real terrorists—Osama or anything—but we did catch these ‘eco-terrorists’ in the Northwest.’ JULIE SABATIER

Check out Hot Action, WWire’s weekly post about activists, demonstrations and other hot political action in and around Portland every Tuesday.


Tuesdays in November

First Amendment Screenings

Proper Eats CafĂ© is hosting three film screenings about Hot Actions past and present during the month of November. Films include “Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World” about the toxic long-term effects of aspartame, and “Buried in the Backyard,” a documentary that looks at home-built bomb shelters and the people who love them. November 14, 21 and 28 at 7 pm at Proper Eats Cafe and Store, N Lombard and N Alta Streets, across from Saint Johns Theater. For more information go to

Thursday, Nov. 16

Nigerian Human Rights Advocate Speaks at PSU

Omoyele Sowore has been imprisoned eight times and tortured for promoting democracy in Nigeria. He will speak about the human impact of corporate oil interests in Nigeria. 6 pm, November 16th Smith Center Ball Room at PSU. Free.

Friday, Nov. 17-Sunday, Nov. 19

Students for a Democratic Society Conference

Students for a Democratic Society, one of the largest and most vocal campus protest groups of the 1960s, reformed at the beginning of 2006. A sister organization, Movement for a Democratic Society, was also created for those who did not consider themselves students. The first Northwest SDS/MDS conference will be held at Reed and Lewis & Clark College this weekend. For more information, go to

Thursday, Dec. 7

National Day of Solidarity for “Green Scare” Defendants

On the first anniversary of the day the FBI began arresting people in connection with “Operation Backfire,” folks will be organizing rallies, teach-ins, film screenings and other actions. Find out more at

Daniel McGowan's plea statement and message from his supporters

November 9, 2006 Update:

Friends and supporters,

We would like to inform everyone about the events in court
today. After months of negotiations and consideration,
Daniel, along with Jonathan Paul, Joyanna Zacher and Nathan
Block, pled guilty to some of the many charges. We cannot
emphasize enough what an extremely difficult decision
this was for Daniel and we will continue to give him our full support.

We do not want there to be any confusion about Daniel's plea agreement so
we have posted it here. Daniel agreed to plead guilty with the
understanding that he would not implicate or identify anyone at all other
than himself. The other three remaining co-defendants entered pleas with
the same terms. Daniel has done everything possible to maintain his
integrity, and he wants to be as open about his agreement as possible. We
have also provided Daniel's statement to Judge Aiken and Daniel's lawyers
statement below.

As we already stated, we will continue to support Daniel completely. He
and his family have been through an extremely difficult time and deserve
to get through this with the best possible outcome.

We will be posting information shortly about how others can continue to
help Daniel by submitting letters to the judge.

Please keep in mind that our fight is not over. We will still need your
help and support in the coming months, in order to fight for the least
possible sentence for Daniel.

Thank you for your continued support,
Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan

Download Daniel's Plea Agreement (PDF)

Daniel's Statement to Judge Aiken at the plea hearing

November 9, 2006

Your Honor,

This plea agreement is very important to me, because it allows me to
accept full responsibility for my actions and at the same time remain true
to my strongly held beliefs.

I hope that you will see that my actions were not those of terrorist but
of a concerned young person who was deeply troubled by the destruction of
Oregon's beautiful old-growth forests and the dangers of genetically
modified trees. After taking part in these two actions, I realized that
burning things down did not fit with my visions or belief about how to
create a better world. So I stopped committing these crimes.

This last year has been a very trying time for my family and I would like
to extend my deepest love, admiration and appreciation to them for
standing by me through a very difficult time. I would also like to
apologize to the workers of the companies I targeted. I never intended to
hurt people, so when I read about things like family photos being
destroyed, I felt great remorse. I am truly sorry for the harm that I

Your Honor, after May of 2001, I put myself back on the path of open and
positive activism. Since then I have focused on helping victims of
domestic violence, campaigning for the environment, and advocating for
prisoners. While my commitment to pursuing a better world has not and will
not change, I have changed the way I am pursuing those goals. My agreement
with Mr. Paul, Mr. Block and Ms. Zacher to come together and resolve this
case by taking responsibility for what we did is an important step in
moving forward to have what I hope will be a positive impact on my
community. Thank you for allowing me a few moments to speak to you this

Press Release
Contact: Amanda Lee or Jeffery Robinson, Schroeter Goldmark & Bender
Tel: 206-622-8000,,

November 9, 2006

Daniel McGowan today entered pleas of guilty in connection with two arsons
in 2001 - one at Superior Lumber in Glendale and one at Jefferson Poplar
in Clatskanie.

Mr. McGowan accepts full responsibility for what he did. As Mr. McGowan
told Judge Aiken, after taking part in these two arsons, he realized that
they did not fit with his vision or beliefs about how to create a better
world. He abandoned that course.

In entering a plea agreement with the government, Mr. McGowan did not
abandon his deeply held beliefs. One of his conditions was that he would
not try to get a reduced sentence by implicating or identifying other
people the government may seek to prosecute, either now or later. In a
meeting this week with the government, Mr. McGowan gave a truthful and
honest account of what he did. He did not identify or implicate any other
individual. He and the other three defendants who pled guilty today helped
the government close this case by coming forward together, to take
responsibility. The government agrees that by doing this, Mr. McGowan and
the other defendants are all eligible for a reduced sentence.

All of this is set forth in Mr. McGowan's plea agreement. The entire
agreement is in the record and available to the public.

Since 2001, Mr. McGowan has focused on positive, constructive, and
practical activism. He works to prevent domestic violence and to assist
victims. He organizes markets in which every good and service is free to
all. He works as an advocate for prisoners and encourages others to
support them with letters, books and money for food and phone calls. He
studies acupuncture and plans to earn a Master's degrees we can provide
alternative medicine services to needy patients.

Mr. McGowan would like to apologize to the people he harmed or could have
harmed the people whose family photos were destroyed in the fires, the
firefighters who responded to the scene, to workers whose lives were
disrupted. Harming people is never what Daniel intended, and he is deeply

Oregon eco-saboteurs plead guilty but are not implicating others

Civil Rights Outreach Committee

For Immediate Release: November 8, 2006
Lauren Regan, Civil Liberties Defense Center, Eugene, OR, 541-687-9180
Alejandro Queral, NW Constitutional Rights Center, Portland, OR 503-295-6400;

Oregon Eco-saboteurs Admit Responsibility
Remain Resolute in Not Implicating Others

Eugene, OR - The four remaining non-cooperating defendants in the Oregon "Green
Scare" case today changed their pleas and agreed to drop their request for
production of NSA surveillance materials and data. Recent negotiations between
federal prosecutors and the defendants resulted in a global resolution
non-cooperation plea agreement whereby the four defendants will agree to accept
responsibility for their own roles in environmentally motivated crimes, but do not
agree to provide information or testify against anyone now or in the future.

Joyanna Zacher, Nathan Block, Daniel McGowan and Jonathan Paul appeared in federal
court this morning before U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken to enter pleas related to
acts of property destruction and arson. Zacher and Block each plead to one count of
conspiracy, attempted arson, and two separate incidents of arson. McGowan plead to
conspiracy and to two separate incidents of arson. The government is recommending
they be sentenced to 96 months in federal prison. Paul plead to one count of arson
and one count of conspiracy. The government is recommending Paul be sentenced to 60
months in prison. All four defendants are free to argue for a lesser sentence. The
next status hearing will be on December 14 to determine when sentencing will occur.

Despite the agreement however, federal prosecutors have asked the court to apply a
"terrorism enhancement" at sentencing. Should Judge Aiken grant the government's
request, the non-cooperating defendants could face up to 20 years in prison in
addition to the terms of the plea agreement. The government is seeking the
"terrorism enhancement" despite the fact that the crimes to which they have admitted
responsibility only involve the destruction of private property; no government
property was damaged in any of the incidents.

After the hearing, Jonathan Paul, through a statement made by his sister Alexandra
Paul, indicated that after the Cavel West slaughterhouse fire, "he realized that
fire was an unacceptable means to an end, no matter how compelling." He also stated
however, that he "will continue to be a person deeply committed to the betterment of
our society and the elimination of animal and human suffering."

During the hearing, Daniel McGowan made a heartfelt statement to a packed courtroom
that "this plea agreement is very important to me because it allows me to accept
full responsibility for my actions and at the same time remain true to my strongly
held beliefs." McGowan's attorney, Amanda Lee, added that Daniel "did not identify
or implicate any other individuals."

Despite the pleas entered today which resolve the Oregon cases in their entirety
Jeff Hogg remains imprisoned without having been charged with any crimes for his
refusal to testify against others after being subpoenaed to a federal grand jury.
After the hearing, Hogg's partner Cecilia Storey made an emotional plea for his
immediate release from custody.

Copies of a press packet with a synopsis of the prosecution, related articles
background information, historical examples of sabotage in the U.S., and a history
of FBI repression of political activism are available upon request.


fROM "Four to change pleas in Northwest ecoterrorism case"
11/8/2006, 5:57 p.m. PT
The Associated Press

Nathan Fraser Block, 25, of Olympia, Wash., is charged with conspiring to commit
arson and topple a high-voltage electric transmission tower in Central Oregon just
before the change of the millennium, setting fire to SUVs at the Romania Chevrolet
Truck Center in Eugene in 2001 and attempted arson and arson at the Jefferson Poplar
Farm in Clatskanie in 2001.

Jonathan Christopher Mark Paul, 40, of Ashland, a wildland firefighter and animal
rights activist, is charged with conspiracy to commit arson and topple the
electrical tower, and setting fire to a horse slaughterhouse in Redmond in 1997.

Daniel McGowan, 32, of New York City, who was working for a nonprofit law firm
helping abused women when he was arrested, is charged with conspiracy to commit
arson and toppling the electrical tower, setting fire to the Superior Lumber Co.
office in Glendale in 2001, and attempted arson and arson at the tree farm.

Joyanna L. Zacher, 28, of Olympia, Wash., is charged with conspiracy to commit
arson, toppling the electric tower, firebombing the SUV dealership, and attempted
arson and arson at the tree farm.


Several people in Olympia have cooperated with the FBI and answered questions. The community does not know the extent of their testimony. So far, no one has received a subpoena to the grand jury in Seattle, but the grand jury issued new indictments on May 11.

Briana Waters' trial has been postponed indefinitely. She was originally scheduled to go on trial in Seattle on June 5. A former Olympia resident, Briana Waters is so far the only defendant in the recent earth liberation cases who is scheduled for trial in Washington State. Briana is charged with "use of a destructive device" in relation to the May 21, 2001 arson at a UW horticulture laboratory. Learn more about how you can support Briana: SupportBriana.Org

May 19: New indictments: Chelsea Dawn Gerlach, Stanislas Meyerhoff, Josephine "Sunshine" Overaker, and Rebecca Rubin have all been indicted in relation to the 1999 arson at a Vail, CO ski resort that developers planned to expand into lynx habitat. The fire cost more than $12 million in damages.

May 18: Jeff Hogg was jailed in Eugene , OR for refusing to cooperate with the grand jury. Jeff spoke at a rally before entering the courtroom and was joined by Alejandro Queral of the NW Constitutional Rights Center, Lauren Regan of the Civil Liberties Defense Center and Kim Marks on behalf of Forest Ethics. Burke Morris appeared before the grand jury in Denver where he answered a few basic questions and was released from his subpoena. He is expected to release a statement. For more info, contact Civil Liberties Defense Center, 541.687.9180, info(at) Read more at portland.indymedia HERE.

May 15: The FBI is investigating the Olympia community for information regarding the alleged arson at the Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington in 2001 and the alleged arsons in 1998 at two Olympia area US Department of Agriculture facilities serving the federal Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and Animal Damage Control (APHIS-ADC) program. The federal government is investigating these incidents as acts of domestic terrorism, although there were no injuries nor immediate threats to life incurred in any of these events.

The federal government has until this Sunday, May 21st to issue any more indictments regarding the UW arson. The statute of limitations is due to expire in this case, five years after the May 21, 2001 fire. The trial of defendant Briana Waters is scheduled to begin June 5 in Seattle. The grand jury in Seattle may also issue more subpoenas this week in relation to the trial.

May 11 New Indictments in Washington: The grand jury in Seattle has issued new indictments. Justin Solondz was indicted in relation to the 2001 arson at a UW horticulture laboratory, and Briana Waters, who has already been charged in that incident, was charged Thursday with "use of a destructive device". If convicted, Waters and Solondz face a mandatory minimum sentence of 35 years. Solondz is allegedly a fugitive, and Waters is free while awaiting trial, which is scheduled to begin in Seattle on June 5. Two alleged arsonists in the UW incident have not been named by prosecutors. These are probably cooperating witnesses whose testimony has contributed to the indictments.

The Washington grand jury also indicted Josephine Sunshine Overaker and Kevin Tubbs in relation to the 2001 arson at the Olympia APHIS/ADC facility. Both have already been indicted in relation to other incidents of alleged sabotage. Tubbs is in custody awaiting trial for previous charges and has been labelled a cooperating witness by the proscution. Overaker is a fugitive. More info HERE at Portland Indymedia.

Briana Waters now has a support website at She is being charged separately in the State of Washington and has a trial is scheduled to begin June 5 in Seattle.

April 27:
Nathan Block and Joyanna Zacher have been formally charged with involvement in the Romania Chevrolet Truck Center arson. The result of this is they have each had 35 additional arson charges placed against them and a second "use of a destructive device" placed against them. This means that both Nathan and Joyanna both now face 47 arson charges, one attempted arson charge and two "use of a destructive device" charges. If found guilty on all counts they face a mandatory minimum sentence of 65 years imprisonment. To subscribe to the Earth Liberation Prisoners Bulletin: go to UrgentELP.

Latest Indictments - April 6: a federal grand jury in Sacramento handed down four indictments for arson at the BLM's Litchfield Wild Horse Corral near Susanville, California. No new arrests occurred. Indictees include Darren Thurston, Joseph Dibee and Rebecca Rubin who have already been indicted in relation to the large, overarching Oregon case. Also indicted is Justin Solondz, 26, who has not been charged in any of the other Northwest eco-actions. No new arrests were made. Dibee, Rubin and Solondz are all listed by the FBI as fugitives. More at Portland Indymedia.

March 15: a federal grand jury in Seattle has indicted Briana Waters of Berkeley, CA in an arson that destroyed a horticulture center at the University of Washington five years ago. Waters, 30, is the 14th person to be charged in Oregon and Washington in a series of environmental sabotage actions in the Western U.S. in recent years. Waters was charged with arson and using or carrying a destructive device during a violent crime. If convicted, she would face at least 35 years in prison. Briana Waters appeared in court March 16 afternoon and pleaded not guilty. She was released with an electronic monitor. More at Portland Indymedia HERE and HERE.